July Update
BEEP!! BEEP!!! BEEP!! As I slowly come to, I realise this is not a dream and I am in fact waking up on an ocean rowing boat just before...

June Update
Seems to be a reoccurring theme in these diary entries, but time is going rather quickly. It only feels like yesterday that Seamus and I...

May Update
Time seems to be flying at the moment! The countdown clock has just passed 200 days to go, which sounds like a lot of time, but with the...

April Update
Having been talking about Saddle Sand Sea for the last three years, is amazing to know we are already two challenges down, having...

It's 2017!!!
So here we are, less than a year to go until we final set off for the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge. How awesome is that!!! Is...

The Last Few Months
So what have we been up to since our last blog? That is a very good question. The first thing we did after getting back from the MDS...

The Marathon des Sables
The Marathon des Sables (MDS) is known as ‘The toughest foot race on earth’ and I can now see why. Having completed the Race Across...

We Are Back!!
So we are back in the land of the living. Apologies for the lack of updates the last few months. Preparing, actually doing and recovering...

I should start off by saying an amazing effort to all the crews in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge who have already made it to...

Slightly strong title for a blog you might say, but is an interesting question and something been thinking about recently, but can get...